Planned Issues For NYC L Train
8 planned issues on line
In Brooklyn, Broadway Junction-bound [L] skips Bedford Av
Use nearby Lorimer St station.
Additional travel alternatives:
For service to this station, take the [L] to Lorimer St accessibility icon and transfer to a Manhattan-bound train.
For service from this station, take the [L] to 14 St-Union Sq accessibility icon and transfer to a Brooklyn-bound train.
What's happening? We're making station improvements
In Brooklyn, Manhattan-bound [L] skips Bedford Av
Use nearby Lorimer St station.
Additional travel alternatives:
For service to this station, take the [L] to 14 St-Union Sq accessibility icon and transfer to a Brooklyn-bound [L].
For service from this station, take the [L] to Lorimer St accessibility icon and transfer to a Manahattan-bound [L].
What's happening? We're making station improvements
In Brooklyn, no [L] between Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs and Canarsie-Rockaway Pkwy
[L] service operates between 8 Av and Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs, every 8 minutes days and evenings, every 12 minutes overnight.
shuttle bus icon Free shuttle buses run along two routes:
1. Local shuttle buses make all [L] stops between Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs and Rockaway Pkwy
2. Express shuttle buses operate between Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs and Rockaway Pkwy, stopping at Broadway Junction
Transfer between [L] and shuttle bus icon shuttle buses at Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs accessibility icon | [M]
For Manhattan, take the [A][C] or [3], transfer between shuttle buses and trains at Broadway Junction [A][C] or Junius St/Livonia Av [3].
When exiting at Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs [L][M], Broadway Junction [A][C] or Junius St [3] (Livonia Av), get a GO Ticket to re-enter the subway.
What's happening? We're replacing tracks
accessibility icon This service change affects one or more ADA accessible stations and these travel alternatives may not be fully accessible. Please contact 511 to plan your trip.,
In Brooklyn, no [L] between Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs and Canarsie-Rockaway Pkwy
[L] service operates between 8 Av and Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs, every 8 minutes days and evenings, every 12 minutes overnight.
shuttle bus icon Free shuttle buses run along two routes:
1. Local shuttle buses make all [L] stops between Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs and Rockaway Pkwy
2. Express shuttle buses operate between Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs and Rockaway Pkwy, stopping at Broadway Junction
Transfer between [L] and shuttle bus icon shuttle buses at Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs accessibility icon | [M]
For Manhattan, take the [A][C] or [4], transfer between shuttle buses and trains at Broadway Junction [A][C] or Junius St/Livonia Av [4] *.
When exiting at Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs [L][M], Broadway Junction [A][C] or Junius St [4] (Livonia Av), get a GO Ticket to re-enter the subway.
*[4] runs to/from New Lots Av all weekend.
What's happening? We're replacing tracks
accessibility icon This service change affects one or more ADA accessible stations and these travel alternatives may not be fully accessible. Please contact 511 to plan your trip.
In Brooklyn, no [L] between Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs and Atlantic Av
[L] service operates in two sections:
1. Between 8 Av and Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs, every 8 minutes
2. Between Atlantic Av and Canarsie-Rockaway Pkwy, every 10 minutes
shuttle bus icon Free shuttle buses make stops between Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs and Atlantic Av.
Transfer between [L] and shuttle bus icon buses at Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs accessibility icon and/or Atlantic Av.
For service between Brooklyn and Manhattan, consider the [A][C] or [J].
Transfer between trains and shuttle bus icon shuttle buses at Broadway Junction.
When exiting at Atlantic Av, Broadway Junction or Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs, get a GO ticket for re-entry into the subway.
What's happening? Monthly track maintenance
accessibility icon This service change affects one or more ADA accessible stations and these travel alternatives may not be fully accessible. Please contact 511 to plan your trip.
No [L] between Broadway Junction and Canarsie-Rockaway Pkwy
[L] runs between 8 Av and Broadway Junction approximately every 8 minutes days/evenings and 12 minutes overnight.
shuttle bus icon Free L91 shuttle buses run along two routes:
1. Local shuttle bus icon buses make all [L] station stops between Broadway Junction and Canarsie-Rockaway Pkwy.
2. Nonstop shuttle bus icon buses run between Broadway Junction and Canarsie-Rockaway Pkwy.
Transfer between trains and shuttle bus icon buses at Broadway Junction.
When exiting at Broadway Junction or Junius St [3] station (Livonia Av), get a GO ticket for re-entry into the subway.
What's happening? We're replacing tracks
accessibility icon This service change affects one or more ADA accessible stations and these travel alternatives may not be fully accessible. Please contact 511 to plan your trip.
In Manhattan, all [L] trains at 1 Av and 3 Av board from the Brooklyn-bound platform
Note: Some nights, this boarding change will be suspended or begin later because of other work along the [L] line.
What's happening? Track maintenance
In Manhattan, all [L] trains at 3 Av and 1 Av board from the 8 Av-bound platform
Note: Some nights, this boarding change will be suspended or begin later because of other work along the [L] line.
What's happening? Track maintenance
NYC Subway Map For L Train
SOURCE: WikiStops For L Train
- Canarsie-Rockaway Pkwy
- East 105 St
- New Lots Av
- Livonia Av
- Sutter Av
- Atlantic Av
- Broadway Junction
- Bushwick Av-Aberdeen St
- Wilson Av
- Halsey St
- Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs
- DeKalb Av
- Jefferson St
- Morgan Av
- Montrose Av
- Grand St
- Graham Av
- Lorimer St
- Bedford Av
- 1 Av
- 3 Av
- 14 St-Union Sq
- 6 Av
- 8 Av
- 8 Av
- 6 Av
- 14 St-Union Sq
- 3 Av
- 1 Av
- Bedford Av
- Lorimer St
- Graham Av
- Grand St
- Montrose Av
- Morgan Av
- Jefferson St
- DeKalb Av
- Myrtle-Wyckoff Avs
- Halsey St
- Wilson Av
- Bushwick Av-Aberdeen St
- Broadway Junction
- Atlantic Av
- Sutter Av
- Livonia Av
- New Lots Av
- East 105 St
- Canarsie-Rockaway Pkwy